1st leg

July 10, 2008 at 9:24 am (Travel)

     Today was similar to when I left for China 4 years ago. Dad was in his work clothes, and we circled up to pray before I left. I packed in the same red luggage. I am thankful, however that this time I am much more calm. I did not get strip searched or have to rush to any planes. Everything went smoothly. Instead of going through San Francisco, I took a flight out of Atlanta on Korean Air to Seoul, South Korea. This flight took 14 hours. I am in the Seoul Airport awaiting the flight to Beijing. Here is what I rode on to get here:


  1. Terrible Speller said,

    I am so excited for you, but I miss you already!

  2. Max Harper said,

    Nice blue color for an airplane. on to China. Have fun.

  3. Brittany Carnes said,

    Rach! I found your blog! haha! Have fun and I will be reading your updates! Love you and praying daily!

  4. LeighAnn Pruiksma said,

    Have fun!! I will be thinking and praying for you as you are in one of my favorite countries!! Looking forward to reading your blogs and seeing your pictures!!

  5. dad said,

    we love you and so proud of you—please call—–Jesus is the way for China!

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